Short Stuff from Issue #12

This Week in Church History


August 18, 328: Death of Helena, 1st Christian Archaeologist

August 20, 1384: Gerard Groote’s Death by Association

August 20, 1527: Martyr Synod Meets in Augsburg

August 23, 1572: Not Peace but a Sword on Saint Bartholomew’s Day

August 24, 1683: John Owen’s Death

Ask Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,


~from Someone

Dear Someone,


~love, Anonymous

Dear Anonymous,

Hey AA, how does one time travel? I’m super interested in it and I want to learn how. I’m not sure how to even begin though. Thanks for any advice.

~from Unsuccessfull Time Lord.

Dear Unsuccessful Time Lord,

Just a quick question: if you are a Time lord do you know the Doctor? I’ve been trying to get ahold of him ‘cause he still owes me a lot of money, and I’m going broke.

Now, if you’re a Time lord, doesn’t that imply that you know how to travel through time? Whatever the case, the Doctor is not the one to ask. He can’t time travel properly. However, my advice to you would be to go into every single police-box you can find. One of them has got to be smaller on the outside.


By Karl Bickerstaff

Coincidentally, I have two new friends.