
Getting Your Pilot's License with Karl Bickerstaff--Issue #12

By Karl Bickerstaff You may recall a previous article wherein we discussed the best methods for scoring a perfect 100 on the SAT. At the end of that article, I said that next time around we would discuss the best way to get a pilot’s license. I hardly expected to be taken seriously on that, but you asked for it (citation needed), so here it is: Getting Your Pilot’s License with Karl Bickerstaff, 1st Edition.

Acing the SAT with Karl Bickerstaff--Issue #9

By Karl Bickerstaff In this little article, I’m going to share with you, the reader, my tips and tricks for acing the SAT. I used these methods when I took the SAT, and I scored a 100. As we all know, 100 is an A+, so it obviously worked. Don’t study beforehand. Studying tires out your brain and puts unnecessary wear on your neurons, and you want your brain to be rested and your neurons to be sharp when you take the test.

Short Stuff from Issue #7

Advice, Important People, History, and Cartoons The Three Steps to Not Dying: Stay Alive. Avoid Dying. Don’t be Tobias Hrothgar. Avoid making more steps than previously stated. People You Should Know About: · Cindy Thompson: Past assistant of Karl Bickerstaff. Raised in foster care. In charge of resources and mission control for the Ingenious 3. · Timothy Teffleman: One of the founders of the NOD project (Norbert Octavius Democratic Project), shortly after World War I.