
A Peculiar Undertaking (Excerpt)--Issue #9

By Tobias Hrothgar If you were to walk down Seventh street at the time it happened you would probably not have found anything very interesting. It was just like any other street, except for the monastery. The monastery was even of less interest than most. With plain wooden walls painted white and a garage door, you would have thought it was just some sort of workshop, except for the crosses decorating it.

An Excerpt from 'The Ingenious Inception' - Issue #7

Excerpt from The Ingenious Inception by Tobias Hrothgar Everything on this Earth has a beginning. Every plant, every rock has a tale to tell. A beginning, a foundation… an inception. So it is for each organization, each fellowship, each friendship. Such is how our adventures began. But, to tell of this inception we must first go back to the point where the light just began to flicker on before we yet knew one another.