Ask Anonymous--Issue #10

Dear Anonymous,

This morning, when I went outside to feed my elephant, I found a strange creature next to the house. I managed to snap this picture of it before it ran away making a strange sound I’ve never heard before:

Do you know what this is?

~from Bewildered

Dear Bewildered,

I’m not sure that I’ve seen this particular species before, but I believe it is related to the Benjamin, which used to be the national animal of Ludere Imperium. You may have found an undiscovered species. I suggest you report it as soon as possible.

Dear Anonymous,

What is my favorite color? I can’t seem to figure it out…

~ from Wishes Not To Be Named

Dear Phillip,

I believe (though I have been wrong before) that your favorite color is Mystinka. For those of you who don’t know what Mystinka looks like: It looks exactly like it sounds. You’re welcome.